Facebook videos get the max

Imagine you take a storefront that allows you to direct brandish your products and services to more than than 1.5 million people. Not only this, but imagine that this storefront is also open 365 days a year, vii days a week and 24 hours a day, without pause. And if that still wasn't enough, as well imagine that these people are your potential clients and that you hold the fundamental to easily attract them without having to invest a lot of resource on it. Not a bad dream, right?

Well, this storefront that never sleeps is Facebook – the second most visited webpage in the world- and this fundamental to alluring your potential clients is video marketing.

In other words, Facebook is the in matter for small and big businesses alike, and video marketing is a constantly rising tendency. And then why not join the two and publish on Facebook?

Facebook videos are liked and attract people, and the reason is very elementary: nosotros are so overloaded with data that users are now looking for the fastest and easiest content to consume.

Therefore, if you want to  have a successful social network marketing strategy so y'all have to include Facebook videos. And meliorate however: we're not only referring to the videos you can share from YouTube, Vimeo and the other platforms, but videos that you tin can directly upload to Facebook beingness as they're known for increasing engagement, reach and effectivity.

This being said, practise y'all want to partake in video marketing on Facebook? Below we'll tell you lot why yous should do it and we'll be sharing vii of the well-nigh useful tips so you can create Facebook videos that will be loved, get viral and sell. Shall we continue?

Why you should upload videos to Facebook if you have a business concern

facebook videos why to use them

With 4 billion videos every twenty-four hour period, Facebook has go one the principal platforms to keep in mind when it comes to videos. Simply this didn't happen by chance.

Marking Zuckerberg knew long ago that audio visual content was a diamond in the rough for small and big companies, so he wanted to claiming YouTube and started offer the possibility to upload videos directly on to Facebook -it's extremely easy and you can find the option in the status update section or "videos" tab-.


Facebook videos get 2.5 times more views than videos on YouTube that are published on the platform.

And why is that? Because the Facebook videos piece of work better and even more so if you lot upload them directly to the platform.

To showtime, it'south similar this because uploading your ain Facebook videos instead of sharing them from other platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo will guarantee you greater visibility, reach and interactions.

Meaning that Facebook native videos are shown more and play automatically, thus increasing the corporeality of views and as well likes, comments and shares.

In fact, pages that habitually upload videos to the platform get an organic reach improvement of 75% requite or take.

All this makes Facebook a very powerful network in terms of video marketing and directly publishing videos onto Facebook should become your primary choice for your digital marketing strategy.

In regards to this, a SocialBakers written report that analyzed more than than 180,000 messages of twenty,000 different Facebook pages revealed that:

Facebook native videos are taking upwards almost 80% of all video interactions on the platform.

Such is the ability of video marketing that BuzzFeed Motion Pictures has a team of 40 people for making their own high quality videos. In fact, with their video marketing strategy the company managed to increase their site's number of monthly visits from 2.8 billion to more than seven billion, in only one year. 33% of this increase comes from Facebook.

And while now is the time where video marketing on social networks is attaining better results, in 2014 the effectiveness of Facebook videos was already clear:

facebook videos share of interactions

At present, how do yous become the max out of your videos so that when you directly upload to Facebook your audience will autumn in honey and be seduced? We'll tell you 7 tricks that will help you do this.

But before moving on, take a quick look at the unlike types of content y'all should include in your videos:

facebook videos content type

7 tips yous should keep in mind when publishing Facebook videos

  1. Make sure what you want to transmit with your Facebook videos is clear

Only because Facebook videos work doesn't hateful that y'all can publishing just anything, but you should rather take the time to design a video marketing strategy and have a clear thought of what yous want to transmit through your videos and what you intend to accomplish -for case, increasing the number of followers, getting a lot of views, alluring more traffic to your website, generating conversions or getting known.

Also make sure that your videos take skilful quality content and images and that you cull a title that volition make people desire to view it.

Basically, you take to brand it seem similar your audition has no other option than to view your video and reach something along the lines of this:

facebook videos power

Actress tip : A report course Wistia states that a video'south length shouldn't get over 5 minutes so call up about making it short, bonny, valuable, direct and get straight to the point because videos that go across five minutes have lower participation rates. Additionally, call up that the most viral videos are more than xxx seconds and less than three minutes.

  1. Create valuable content that'll hook your audition

Facebook videos have their negative side in terms of performance: there are so many videos available that y'all're going to have to make an endeavour in social club to gain your public's attention and evidence them that viewing your video is worthwhile so it doesn't go unseen.

A good way of accomplishing this is to offering valuable content to your audience, like advice, tactics, tips and videos that inspire your fans' interaction since this will improve your organic reach on Facebook.

Actress tip : Every user spends an average of iii seconds deciding whether they want to continue watching a video or not so brand an endeavor to grab people's attention from the beginning.

Furthermore, Facebook native videos are automatically played while users scroll through their newsfeed so creating an attention getting beginning is a corking way to get your audience to view your videos.

And above all, chose a thumbnail that grabs people's attention. Here are some examples of videos from Buzzfeed, RedBull, GoPro and WestJet that perfectly capture this idea:

facebook videos good examples

  1. Add a description to all of your video publications

Don't make the fault of thinking that but publishing videos is plenty: also take advantage of the power descriptions accept so when you publish the video add together at to the lowest degree one phrase explaining what the video is about or inviting your audience to lookout man it.

For example, you can accept an extract of the video to quote, highlight an interesting point or annotate on what can be seen in the video to encourage your audition to lookout it. You lot can also include a hashtag related to what you're publishing.

Every bit you tin see in this video by Thalia, which has more three 1000000 views, she uses a clarification and hashtag that are related:

facebook videos Thalia thanks

Extra tip : So that its easier for you, you tin program the rest of your Facebook publications directly from Postcron where you lot'll also be able to get content recommendations for your audience and notice the publishing times that will be very successful for your post thus causing a larger bear upon. This mode you simply take to manually upload your Facebook videos, while the balance of your content volition exist published automatically.

The ideal thing is for video marketing to class part of your previously planned and designed social network strategies, so the best thing is for you to create a social media agenda with the videos you desire to publish and when, and so program them all at the aforementioned fourth dimension on Facebook. It's super simple, effective and you'll save then much time.

  1. Strive for your Facebook videos to be sharable

There's cypher more effective than discussion of oral cavity or, in this case, your videos being shared for more and more people to follow you and for your brand to exist more well known.

Therefore, focus on creating audio visual content that can hands go viral considering this will guarantee you become more reach, interactions and conversions.

Now, how can you find out what type of audio visual content is more probable to go viral? BuzzSumo conducted a written report on more than than 100 meg commodity in society to figure out what makes content sharable. The respond leaves no room for doubts:

The most shared content is that which invokes fear, laughter or amusement and appeals to people'south egotistic side.

This means that people don't share videos in order to talk about your brand, but rather to talk about themselves. Give them content they can identify with or that they're proud to share and you'll take guaranteed success. This maintains a relation with your sector.

Extra tip : A good option to guarantee more views of your Facebook videos is to use the playlists feature that appears in the video tab on your company's page on the social network.

Information technology kind of works like YouTube: it allows you to group similarly themed videos under different playlists that your audience then utilise to view to watch videos related to the same theme without having to search for them.

ABC News, for instance, has various playlists:

facebook videos abcnews playlist

  1. Use Calls to Activeness

If you're non a fan of calls to action, y'all should become ane because there's no amend fashion to make your audition practise what you want them to do by clearly telling and showing them with graphic, textual and visual resources.

On the other mitt, Facebook native videos give you the possibility to add calls to activeness in your videos with which you lot'll be able to straight tell your audience what y'all want them to do: visit your website, watch more of your brand'due south videos or purchase some of your products and services.

Some calls to activeness you can use are "more than data", "come across more" and "sign upward". In this instance you tin can see how they appear:

facebook videos more info

Extra tip : Facebook too allows you to select a featured video that will appear in the "almost" section of your company's profile, which is located in the peak right cavalcade.

What if nosotros took this opportunity to publish a really bonny, friendly video that has value, helps you reach your goals and is visible for your audience to encounter every time they visit your contour? Not only will you be making a big impression, but it's too something and so simple you tin can do to brand your business concern more than profitable.

  1. Tag people and pages

Y'all could have the best video on Facebook but if no one sees it then it's useless. That's why you have to piece of work hard in order to increment your organic reach on Facebook.

A good way of doing this is by tagging various relevant people and pages that are somehow related to your video.

This doesn't hateful to randomly start tagging people or brands, merely rather information technology should exist washed tastefully with things related to you so it's not considered every bit spam.

For example, you can tag people who take straight contributed to the video, are mentioned in information technology, inspire y'all or are somehow related to your audiovisual content.

So, if you had a company offering coaching and entertainment services to help people bring out their potential, then you lot could say something similar: "Learn Leo Messi's 3 tricks for leading a great work and personal life. We'll show you how in this video".

Beak Gates, for example, tagged Mark Zuckerberg in the bucket challenge for raising awareness nigh ALS since he was the ane who challenged him in the first place:

facebook videos bill gates

Actress tip : You most likely receive a lot of consults and so why not take advantage by creating a Facebook native video that responds to your audience'southward frequently asked questions? On one hand you'll be satisfying their needs and on the other you'll go a real expert for your sector.

  1. Closely follow your statistics

1 of the advantages to publishing Facebook native videos is that the platform provides a lot of  metrics that tin be of use to you when trying to analyze your video marketing campaign'due south results and knowing how to advance and improve. For instance, you tin find out statistics such every bit number of video views, single visits, average amount of time your audience spends viewing your videos and memory percentage among other things.

This is how statistics for a video on Facebook are displayed:

facebook video metrics

Extra tip : if you accept a YouTube or Vimeo channel or accept already fabricated numerous videos, take advantage of it past downloading it to your estimator and uploading another fourth dimension but on Facebook.

Furthermore, accept note on which of the videos you published functioned best and try to mimic this in social club to continue creating your personal mode that makes your Facebook videos your lethal weapon.

And above all, call up that starting a video marketing strategy is like planting a tree: while it's a gratifying process and rewards will come, it takes time to see results.

Did you know the ability of native Facebook videos? Are you going to include them in your social media marketing strategies? Were these 7 tips for creating astonishing videos helpful to yous? Get out us your comments, we'd beloved to hear what you think!

And feel gratis to share this article on social networks so that your small and medium sized business organisation connections tin get the max out of the power of Facebook videos. They'll thanks for it!

Want to know more on how to get the max out of social networks? Hither are some articles that will help you practise this:

  • How many times a twenty-four hour period should you postal service in club to achieve your audience?
  • 7 changes you should be applying to your Facebook posts to amend your organic achieve
  • The new Facebook algorithm: how will it affect you?
  • How to create a successful mail and improve your accomplish on Facebook
  • How to get more than likes on Facebook
  • 5 tips to increment your sales on Facebook
  • YouTube SEO: 10 foolproof tips for positioning your videos on YouTube
