Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet for Your Eyes Only

Treasure Hunting Quests for Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

Treasure Sub Quests are quests where you need to notice a treasure box in the world containing the target item for the quest. These are found either in the fields or in dungeons and more unlock equally yous progress through the story and open new areas. These sub quests are received from the counter in the Squadron (Treasure). In one case you have collected the respective item, the quest will be cleared immediately with no need to return to the Treasure Squadron room.

Unless otherwise stated, the target treasure breast is found at the red "X" symbol on the respective maps in the post.

If you already accept the required items when yous have the quest, it volition be completed immediately.

For the full list of Sub Quests, bank check out the Sub Quest Guide main page.

Treasure Quest 1: I dropped my undercover data! (機密データを落としちゃった)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 5
  • Unlock Weather condition: None

Clear Conditions: Find the "Small-scale Recording Device" item in a treasure box located in the Due north-E Dungeon in the Starting time Surface area. Refer to the image below:


  • ii,500 C
  • Modification Bit x3
  • Material: 壊れた機械部品 x5

Treasure Quest 2: Information technology'll be embarrassing if anyone sees it. (見られたら恥ずかしいんです)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 10
  • Unlock Weather condition: None

Clear Weather condition: Find the "Cute Diary" detail in a treasure box located in the South-East Dungeon in the Beginning Area. Refer to the image below:


  • ii,500 C
  • Modification Fleck x3
  • Textile: 低性能光子制御装置 x5

Treasure Quest 3: The Fine Arts (高級芸術品)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at forepart desk-bound (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 15
  • Unlock Atmospheric condition: None

Clear Conditions: Notice the "Pottery Bottle" item in a treasure box located on a ledge in the Western parts of the Showtime Area field. Refer to the prototype below:


  • ii,500 C
  • Modification Scrap x3
  • Material: 錆びた金属の欠片 x5

Treasure Quest four: Killing time on standby (待機時間の暇つぶし)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front end desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 21
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Second Area

Clear Conditions: Find the "Card Game" item in a treasure box located in the dungeon that's in the center of the map of the Second Surface area. Refer to the image below:


  • 3,000 C
  • Modification Chip x3
  • Fabric: 光子制御装置 x5

Treasure Quest v: Feel free to take this every bit a gift (お土産物にどうぞ)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 24
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Second Area

Clear Weather condition: Find the item in a treasure box located in the dungeon that's in the eastern parts of the Second Area field. Refer to the image below:


  • 3,000 C
  • Modification Chip x5
  • Textile: 良質な金属の欠片 x5

Treasure Quest 6: No matter how much, its no trouble (いくらあっても困らない)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at forepart desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 25
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Second Area

Clear Weather: Detect the particular in a treasure box located in the dungeon that'southward to the south of the map of the Second Area. Refer to the paradigm below:


  • 6,000 C
  • Modification Fleck x5
  • Cloth: 機械部品 x5

Treasure Quest 7: Praying to a God for victory (勝利を願って神に祈りを)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front end desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 29
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Third Surface area

Clear Conditions: Find the particular in a treasure box located in the eastern parts of the city ruins in the Tertiary Area field. The treasure is on a small platform nether a building's overhang. Refer to the images below:


  • 12,000 C
  • Modification Chip x15

Treasure Quest 8: I want a stylish ornament (オシャレな置物が欲しい)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 32
  • Unlock Weather: Unlock the 3rd Expanse

Articulate Weather: Find the item in a treasure box located in the A Dungeon that'south in southern parts of the city ruins in the Third Area. Refer to the image beneath:


  • 12,000 C
  • Modification Scrap x5
  • Material: 機械部品 x5

Treasure Quest 9: Skincare fifty-fifty in the Game World (ゲームの世界でもスキンケア)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front end desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 34
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Third Area

Clear Conditions: Find the item in a treasure box located in the B Dungeon that'due south in northern parts of the city ruins in the Third Area. Refer to the White "10" on the epitome beneath:

ソードアート・オンライン フェイタル・バレット_20180208011047

In the image, teleporters of corresponding letter allow players to teleport between them. In other words, A volition go to A and B will go to B etc.

To get to this treasure box from the start of the dungeon, head through the A teleporter, then the C teleporter. The Treasure Box is somewhere in that room nearly the F teleporter.


  • 12,000 C
  • Modification Fleck x5
  • Material: 精密機械部品 x5

Treasure Quest 10: Drinking glass Eyes (ガラスの瞳)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at forepart desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 38
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Tertiary Area

Clear Conditions: Observe the item in a treasure box located in the due south-western parts of the city ruins in the Third Surface area. The treasure box is located on the 2d flooring of one of the building ruins. Refer to the images below:


  • 12,000 C
  • Modification Chip x5
  • Textile: 良質な金属塊

Treasure Quest 11: Adorable Protector (かわいい守護者)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front end desk-bound (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 45
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Fourth Surface area

Articulate Conditions: Find the item in a treasure box located most the archway teleporter of the map of the Fourth Area field. Refer to the epitome beneath:


  • 18,000 C
  • Modification Scrap x8
  • Textile: 高性能光学武器パーツ x5

Treasure Quest 12: Believe in a Wonderful Fairy Tail (美しいおとぎ話を信じて)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk-bound (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 45
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Quaternary Expanse

Articulate Conditions: Find the item in a treasure box located most the SBC Flugel Dungeon in the Fourth Area field. Refer to the prototype beneath:


  • eighteen,000 C
  • Modification Flake x8
  • Fabric: 高性能軽量武器パーツ x5

Treasure Quest 13: Grant Happiness to that kid (あの子の幸せを)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at forepart desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 48
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the SBC Flugel Dungeon

Articulate Conditions: Find the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Flugel Dungeon in the Quaternary Area. Refer to the image beneath:

To go to the room marked by the "X", you first demand to get to the surface area marked past the "O" and step on the Teleportation trap.


  • 26,000 C
  • Releasing Bit x15

Treasure Quest 14: Monsters are cool (モンスターがかっこいい)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 48
  • Unlock Weather condition: Unlock the SBC Flugel Dungeon

Clear Conditions: Discover the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Flugel Dungeon in the Fourth Area. Refer to the image below:


  • 26,000 C
  • Releasing Chip x5
  • Outfit Recipe: Sniping Conform F

Treasure Quest 15: To make a fashionable room in the Virtual Earth (仮想世界くらいはおしゃれな部屋で)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 48
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the SBC Flugel Dungeon

Clear Conditions: Detect the detail in a treasure box located in the SBC Flugel Dungeon in the Fourth Expanse. Refer to the image below:


  • 26,000 C
  • Releasing  Flake x5
  • Material: 高性能重量武器パーツ x5

Treasure Quest 16: Photo Anthology of Memories (思い出の写真)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 52
  • Unlock Conditions: Story Quest sixteen+

Clear Weather: Detect the item in a treasure box located near the eastern dungeon in the Second Surface area field. The box is lodged betwixt a wall and a container. Refer to the images below:


  • 44,000 C
  • Releasing Chip x8
  • Outfit Recipe: Naughty Culotte F

Treasure Quest 17: Feeling great (幸せな気分)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front end desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 56
  • Unlock Atmospheric condition: Story Quest 16+

Clear Atmospheric condition: Find the item in a treasure box located near the northward-western dungeon in the Third Area field. The detail is halfway down the cliff, subconscious out of sight. Refer to the image below:


  • 52,000 C
  • Releasing Chip x8
  • Outfit Recipe: Smith'south Jacket F

Treasure Quest 18: I'k filled with Space Mushrooms (宇宙キノコをお腹いっぱい)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at forepart desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 60
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Second Compartment of the SBC Flugel Dungeon

Articulate Weather: Notice the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Flugel Dungeon's Second Compartment. Refer to the epitome below:


  • 60,000 C
  • Releasing Chip x8
  • Outfit Recipe: Tamer'south Jacket F

Treasure Quest 19: The Thirsty One (垂涎モノ)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at forepart desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: threescore
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the Second Compartment of the SBC Flugel Dungeon

Clear Conditions: Detect the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Flugel Dungeon'due south 2nd Compartment. Refer to the epitome beneath:


  • 60,000 C
  • Outfit Recipe: Sylphid Hunter F
  • Outfit Recipe: Pixie One-piece F

Treasure Quest 20: In-game Currency? (ゲーム内通貨?)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: threescore
  • Unlock Atmospheric condition: Unlock the 2nd Compartment of the SBC Flugel Dungeon

Articulate Atmospheric condition: Find the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Flugel Dungeon's Second Compartment. Refer to the prototype below:

When you get to the area leading upwardly to the red "Ten", information technology will appear as if in that location is a dead end. But within that surface area, there is a high platform on the northern wall that you lot can use your UFG to get on pinnacle of. From there y'all must use your UFG again to accomplish a higher platform that will lead you to the treasure.


  • 60,000 C
  • Outfit Recipe: Light Ghillie Adjust F
  • Outfit Recipe: Light Ghillie Suit Thou

Treasure Quest 21: The value of burnt bills (こげた紙幣の価値は)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front end desk-bound (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 67
  • Unlock Atmospheric condition: Unlock the SBC Glocken Dungeon

Clear Weather: Find the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Glocken Dungeon. Refer to the image below:

To reach the surface area with the "X", y'all first need to go through the teleporter at the "O". When in side the expanse, the Treasure Box is located on an out of the fashion platform on the highest level. Yous need to apply your UFG to attain it.


  • 77,000 C
  • Material: 最高級の布x5
  • Outfit Recipe: Coat of Daybreak F

Treasure Quest 22: Unstanding gravestone (立たぬ墓標)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk-bound (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 67
  • Unlock Conditions: Unlock the SBC Glocken Dungeon

Clear Conditions: Detect the item in a treasure box located in the SBC Glocken Dungeon. Refer to the image below:


  • 77,000 C
  • Fabric: 最高級の布x5
  • Outfit Recipe: Hawkeye Accommodate F

Treasure Quest 23: The luckiest of luck (ラッキー中のラッキー)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 67
  • Unlock Weather: Unlock the SBC Glocken Dungeon

Clear Conditions: Find the detail in a treasure box located in the SBC Glocken Dungeon. Refer to the prototype below:


  • 77,000 C
  • Textile: 最高級の布x5
  • Outfit Recipe: Active Bikini F

Treasure Quest 24: Mistake Alert (間違い注意)

  • Quest giver: Ikemen Beret at front desk (In Treasure Squadron Room)
  • Recommended Level: 67
  • Unlock Conditions: Complete all the other Treasure Quests

Clear Conditions: Find the detail in a treasure box located in the SBC Glocken Dungeon. Refer to the prototype beneath:


  • 1,000,000 C
  • Textile: 最高級の布x5
  • Outfit Recipe: Swimsuit Thousand


Source: https://bkbrent.com/games/fatal-bullet/fbsq-treasure-quests/

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